Monday, August 15, 2011

Top 10 browser Extension For WEB Developers

Firefox: Page Speed

Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Web masters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. I use Page Speed to optimize my websites.

Chrome: Speed Tracer

Speed Tracer is a tool to help you identify and fix performance problems in your web applications. It visualizes metrics that are taken from low level instrumentation points inside of the browser and analyzes them as your application runs. Speed Tracer is available as a Chrome extension and works on all platforms where extensions are currently supported (Windows and Linux).

Firefox: FireBug

Firebug integrates with Firefox allowing you to edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

Chrome: Firebug Lite

Firebug team also creates extension for Chrome. So far I have not been able to use firebug in chrome. I am running Google Chrome 5.0.307.11 Beta under Ubuntu Karmic 9.10

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Top 50 Sites For CSS3 Example and Downloads

1- CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Best CSS3 Examples

2- Pure CSS3 Download Button

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3- CSS3 Gets a New Logo

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4- Advanced CSS3 Menu

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5- Amazing CSS3 Template

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6- css3 web design examples

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7- CSS3 jQuery Album Selection

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8- CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu

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9- Accordian Effect Using CSS

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10- Use CSS3 to Create a Dynamic Stack of Index Cards

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11- CSS3 Generator

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12- Subtle Rounded Corners and Shadow

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13- Pictos font and CSS3

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14- Creating a Fun Animated Navigation Menu With Pure CSS

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15- Sweet CSS3 Buttons

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16- Animated Navigation Menu with CSS3

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Windows7 Start Menu CSS3

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18- Rounded Corners

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19- Rotating Images With CSS3

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20- CSS3 tyle Sliders

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21- My Notes With Html5 CSS3 jQuery

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22- Create a CSS3 Menu Using moz border radius

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23- CSS3 popup links

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24- Contextual Slideout Tips CSS3

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25- A Fresh Bottom Slide Out Menu with jQuery CSS3

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26- CSS3 Drop Down Menu With Integrated Forms

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27- Animation Using CSS Transforms

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28- Trippy Spinning Column of Fun CSS3

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29- CSS3 Lightbox Gallery With jQuery

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30- Easily Turn Your Images Into Polaroids with CSS3

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31- Leaves CSS3

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32- Star Wars Crawl CSS3


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33- Rotating One Large Image CSS3

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34- Rotating Multiple Large Images CSS3

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35- Alternatives CSS3

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37- CSS3 jQuery Tickets Machine

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38- Awesome Cufonized CSS3

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39- Relying on CSS3

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40- Map Pins CSS3

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41- Export Rotated Image Instead CSS3

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42- CSS3 Thumbs

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43- How to Build a Kick Butt CSS3

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44- CSS3 Button Maker

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45- CSS3 Menu Creator

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46- Fading Transition

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47- CSS3 Style Maker

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48- Sweet Tabbed Navigation Using CSS3

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49- CSS3 Multi Column Generator

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50- Create a Slick Menu Using CSS3

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51- The Cross Browser CSS3 Rule Generator

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